Tag Archives: jay baer

Content marketing book review: Why Jay Baer’s ‘Youtility’ sucks

YoutilityLet me cut to the chase – I was so disappointed by Jay Baer’s recent content marketing book Youtility that I wasn’t going to post a review at all. However, after seeing all the glowing reviews online I had to check my Kindle again to see if I’d actually read the same book.  Currently, on Amazon.com there are about 50 reviews, mostly five stars. Only one trashes it with a single, derisory comment.  To the underdog that wrote that review, this one’s for you.

I’m not going into too much detail about the concept of Youtility here because it’s been covered in detail already. Sure, there are some useful soundbites in the book like ‘Stop trying to be amazing and start being useful’ but I didn’t think there was much in the way of original insight. The basic premise of the book is simply this – make your digital space a helpful destination, not a cold calculating conversion funnel. Hmm, haven’t we heard something like this before?
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