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  • Steven Wilson-Beales

Best content strategy links of the week, September 20

© Andreas Dantz

Kate Kiefer onstage at UX Thursday Detroit © Andreas Dantz

Kate Kiefer Lee – Voice and Tone Live If you haven’t heard Kate talk about Voice and Tone at Mailchimp then here’s your chance in this great keynote presentation from UX Thursday Detroit. And if you haven’t visited the site then get to it!

Sun online’s disastrous paywall start as traffic plunges by 62% Oh dear, the knives are out on this one. It’ll be interesting to see how The Sun adapts its marketing campaign, after all, paywalls are all about the long-view. Mobile: Native Apps, Web Apps, and Hybrid Apps Still deciding your mobile strategy? Well, here’s a great overview from those wonderful people at Nielson.

How Sans-Serif Typeface Styles Affect Readability Yes, I’m a complete nerd when it comes to fonts. My dad was a compositor back in the 60’s don’t you know…

Seven interactive content trends ‘Translating out of geek-speak, Silverbean managing director Neil Robbins explained how Google’s Panda changes to its algorithm reduced the influence of link farming on organic search and made quality content more important.

In a nutshell (fuller details are available here from the Moz 2013 study), says Robbins, content accounts for about 50% of the factors influencing organic search. To maximise your chances, he says, produce content that is visible, timely, authoritative, fresh and segmented.’

How retailers are using social for Fashion Week Nice synopsis of what happened online for LFW.

And, course of, everyone has been talking about this…

…like how bad it is.

I’d love to hear your views on any of the content strategy links above so please get involved in the comments below!

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