Tag Archives: content marketing

Best content strategy links of the week, November 1

Each week I curate a list of great pages I've discovered online covering topics such as content marketing, strategy, mobile, seo and search. I've selected them for their practical insight, useful tools and guidance. I hope you enjoy them!

This week: writing for semantic search,  how to shape your proposition around real-time,  free SEO tools and plenty of crap!

Writing Content for Users vs. Search Engines: Is There Still a Difference?
Doc Sheldon explains what Panda and Hummingbird means for SEO, what this means for keywords and semantic search.

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Best content strategy links of the week, October 18

Each week I curate a list of great pages I've discovered online covering topics such as content marketing, strategy, mobile, seo and search. I've selected them for their practical insight, useful tools and guidance. I hope you enjoy them!

This week:  Looking at the differences between content strategy and content marketing, optimise your social media and a brand new series (possibly) of Game of Thrones…
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