Tag Archives: google

Best content strategy links of the week, October 11

Each week I curate a list of great pages I've discovered online covering topics such as content marketing, strategy, mobile, seo and search. I've selected them for their practical insight, useful tools and guidance. I hope you enjoy them!

This week: What Google Hummingbird means for your content, championing content in your team, top tips from Upworthy and keeping it simple with Gerry McGovern…

What Google Hummingbird means for your content
Obviously, with Google deploying their Hummingbird update last month, everyone is talking about how it will impact content. Here’s my top three articles explaining what this means for SEO and content marketing strategies:

Keywords, and #Hashtags, and Hummingbird! Oh My!
Google Hummingbird, and what it means for Online Marketers & SEO
Google Hummingbird: A Mobile Content Marketing Strategy Just Became Essential
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